Monday, April 2, 2007

Opening Day is everyday for your brand

It's opening day for Major League Baseball, a time when every team believes it has a chance to win the pennant, is that but on opening day it is!
For your brand everyday should be opening day, you have a chance to become a Coke, Dell or Starbucks. But what is it going to take to win the brand pennant? Time, patients, hard work...sure all are part of it but that alone will not insure your brand success. Your people are the most important part of your will not build it alone..Get them and Train them and Retain them.


1. Get: Recruiting is the hardest part of the 3 steps. Sure you can go it the easy way and bring someone in and attempt to train them to think like you, act like you and be you....but all people are different and trust me you do not want all your people thinking like you. No matter what stage your brand is in you have to pin point what kind of people you are looking for in certain positions.

2. Train: Most companies will say they have a great training program, but in reality a very thick training manual is not training. Hands on and on-going training is the only way to create your brand culture. And a culture is something that is from inside and not stated on a mission statement.

3. Retain: Do what ever it takes to make your people happy and successful. Reward the people inside your organization(just like you reward clients you already have) your people are your brand at heart and never let the go away mad...reward them and treat them like family.

GTR =Get...Train... Retain

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