Ask your front line people and you may find the answer to your problems.
I was on the phone today with my insurance company....I have been putting it of because of the usual response I receive from them..lots of Customer No Service! But this time, April the very nice CSR was polite and solved my problems right away. So seeing we were having a nice conversation I asked her a few questions. Earlier in the conversation she was complaining that the problem I was having with billing has been happening for years and her company will not listen to her and the other CSR's and fix the problem. I asked her if they have a system in place to report such problems to upper management? Her answer was no and went on to say she did not think they cared to hear it from CSR's. Know she was not bad mouthing her company, she told me in a sincere way that she really enjoys the job. My advice to her was to come up with a standard form, one that will allow for suggestions and solutions to the problems and forward it on to her immediate supervisor. Also in the email ask for a meeting date and time..give she/he two different times to choose from and a time frame on your follow-up. I gave her my cell number to call me and give me an update on her progress...
As a business owner your greatest asset are your people..ask them to be proactive and put process in place for them and your brand to succeed!
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