If you get a chance to check out the CNBC special on McDonalds; "Inside the Golden Arches" I recommend talking an hour to watch it. I came away with a few interesting items but the one thing that struck me was a quote from an Owner/Operator from Connecticut who was asked his secret for success....his answer was not that the fries are so good, or the huge marketing campaigns or the secret sauce....it was keeping the bathrooms clean! What a great answer...he said if you have a clean bathroom people will come back and respect your location. And you know what he is right, as an owner or manager of a retail establishment what does the bathroom say about you? If its clean it says we respect you as a client and take pride in making sure our facility is clean...but if you have a bathroom that is dirty (and we have all been in many of them) it says you don't respect your clients enough to give them a clean facility.
Taking the extra steps to insure your clients feel appreciated can make the difference between being successful and flushing your business down the drain.
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