Black Friday= The term is used by retail stores referring to the Friday after Thanksgiving. Its the one shopping day that puts the retailers in the "Black" for the year.
Every year brave consumers will shop till they drop. The recent trend is to open the doors early (Kohls will open at 4 am) and stay open late. But opening early is the key, get them in early and offer special savings only between early hours. This strategy gets the consumer committed to coming early so they are not out all day. Does it work? The answer is yes, consumers will get up early to save an extra 25% or to get free things.
This hole "early morning door buster" sales event got me thinking. Why just on "Black Friday" why not have an event like this say once a month? Open early and close late one Saturday a month. Even a restaurant could get in on this action. Come early and receive free movie passes...25% of breakfast.....free..free...
Always have a call to action..Free is always good. The PR you would get from staying open till 2am to let consumers shop is outstanding. Bring in the local marching band..drum line...make it a party.
Remember its all about getting into the black and out of the red..don't wait until November to create a splash....their are 364 other days that are important also.
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