I found great customer service yesterday at a place I did not expect to find it! Let me repeat that I found great customer service!! The place....drum roll please....Sea World San Antonio! Right out of the Walt Disney play book..well maybe not that great, but still outstanding. Checking in at the front entrance with our newly purchased season pass (bought easily on-line) was a very nice young lady who smiled at me and said "thank you Mr. Hale and enjoy your day at Sea World". Wow for the first time in my life I didn't know what to say. She must have thought she said something wrong because I think I gave her a look of astonishment. Continuing into the park we encountered more "random acts of kindness" a few more "thank yous" and an invitation to come back and to top it all off "thank you and have a safe drive home" from the associates at the exit.
Very nicely done Sea World..I will be back; and I will begin to spread the the good word. www.seaworld.com
Very nicely done Sea World..I will be back; and I will begin to spread the the good word. www.seaworld.com